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07 Agustus 2009


Recognized as one of major world players in palm oil industries, PT. Smart Tbk is eager to work together with competent talents as our Key Members for the following positions:

Business Controller Section Head – Surabaya
(Jawa Timur – Surabaya)

Male/Female, max 35 years old
Minimum S1 Accountancy from reputable university with min GPA 3.00
Experience 5 years in reputable public accountant or internal audit in FMCG company (distribution or principal)

Having 2-3 years experience in the same field would be an advantage
Integrity, honesty, persistent & good working in a team
Placement in Surabaya Office, preferable domicile in Surabaya

Send your cv to : with subjek BC – SBY

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Lowongan CPNS BAKOSURTANAL 2009 - 2010

Nomor : KP.01.02/31. 03-KKH/VII/ 2009
TAHUN 2009

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL) membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan Strata 1 (S1) dan Diploma III (D3), untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan BAKOSURTANAL dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

* Warga Negara Indonesia

* Sehat Jasmani, Rohani dan bebas NARKOBA
* Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap. .
* Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/ Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
* Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang menjalani perjanjian /kontrak kerja/ikatan dinas pada instansi lain.

* Berusia minimal 20 tahun, dan maksimal 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
* Pelamar berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diakui Depdiknas.
* Memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai dengan formasi jabatan yang dibutuhkan :

1 Surveyor Pemetaan SP S1 Geodesi/Geomatika/
Surveying 11 Orang
S1 Geografi 6 Orang
S1 Kelautan 2 Orang
2 Pranata Komputer PK S1 Teknologi Informasi 6 Orang
3 Analis Kepegawaian AK S1 Administrasi Negara/Publik/ Manajemen SDM 1 Orang
4 Verifikator Keuangan VK D III Ekonomi Akuntansi 3 Orang
5 Arsiparis AR D III Kearsipan/ Administrasi Negara 3 Orang

Surat Lamaran yang di tandatangani, dilampiri dengan :
* Fotokopi ijazah terakhir,surat tanda kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU
* Fotokopi ijazah transkrip nilai pendidikan
* Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir/ skripsi
* Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
* Foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar
* Daftar Riwayat Hidup dengan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan surat keterangan bebas NARKOBA dari Dokter serta keterangan pendukung (pelatihan, pengalaman kerja, penghargaan, beasiswa, TOEFL,dsb).
* Membuat surat pernyataan format A1, yang ditanda tangani diatas meterai Rp. 6000,- Seluruh berkas lamaran dimasukan dalam amplop coklat tertutup, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar pada sampul depan kiri atas amplop ditujukan kepada : Kepala BAKOSURTANAL , c.q. Kepala Biro Keuangan, Kepegawaian dan Hukum (KKH), PO. BOX 46-CBI Cibinong 16911 dan dikirim melalui pos.
Lamaran yang diantar langsung tidak akan diproses.

* Periode lamaran mulai tanggal 3 – 31 Agustus 2009 (cap pos) dan diterima panitia paling lambat 4 September 2009, jam 15.00 WIB. (diluar periode tidak akan diproses).
* Seluruh lamaran yang masuk pada periode lamaran akan diikut sertakan dalam seleksi administratif, dengan ketentuan setiap 1 (satu) formasi, sebanyak-banyaknya akan dipanggil 15 (lima belas) orang pelamar untuk masuk pada tahap ujian tertulis.
* Hasil seleksi administrasi, dan jadwal, tempat serta pelaksanaan ujian tertulis akan diumumkan pada tanggal 14 September 2009 melalui situs BAKOSURTANAL (www.bakosurtanal.
* Keputusan Panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
* Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Cibinong, 31 Juli 2009
Ketua Tim Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS BAKOSURTANAL
ttd Agus Prijanto
silahkan link ke http://www.bakosurt upl_document/ cpns2009/

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We are very fast growing retail company, specializing in teenage fashion and surf wear within leading international brands, looking for high caliber candidates
who have big passion for fashion retail on surfing industry, a team player, able to create a hard and smart working environment, willing to provide the best, honest and have integrity to reach our vision and mission, the position is for our Headquarter in Bali. Join our team as :


Qualification :
Female, single, with age max 25 years old.Minimum SMK preferable in accounting.Experience or fresh graduate are welcom to apply.Familiar with computer.Good computer skill (Ms.Office) is a must.Honest, careful, quick learning, accurate and discipline.Able to handle administration.Pleasant personality, good communication skill, and hard worker.WILLING TO BE TRAINED FOR 3 MONTHSPLACEMENT IN BALI


Qualification :
Male / Female, with age max 25 years old.Bachelor degree in related field.Have experiences minimum 1
years in Merchandiser, preferably on retail fashion industry, fresh graduate are welcom to apply.Able to follow up an order from preparation detail, analytical product, handling materials, accessories, communicate and follow up both with supplier and store.Computer literate (Ms.Office) is a must.Good interpersonal relationship skills with team work attitudeWilling to work hard, self confident and ability to work under pressurePLACEMENT IN BALI

Please send your resume, CV and recent photograph to :

Jl. Mertasari No.7 Banjar Pangubengan Kangin
Kerobokan Kuta – Bali


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Lowongan Bank 2009 : Bank Muamalat

Lowongan Bank 2009 : Bank Muamalat (15 Agustus 2009)

Sebuah Bank Umum Syariah Devisa ternama mencari kandidat-kandidat muda yang energik dan bertalenta untuk diajak bergabung bersama dalam rangka berkarir sebagai professional di Perbankan Syariah, yang Insya Allah akan ditempatkan di Blitar, tulungagung, Kediri, Nganjuk dan Ponorogo.

Adapun kriteria yang dibutuhkan antara lain :

1. Pria / Wanita, Aktif dan energik
2. Berakhlak dan berpenampilan baik dengan usia maksimal 27 tahun (per Agustus 2009)
3. Minimal S1, semua jurusan dengan IPK minimal 2,75 (Eksakta) dan minimal 3,00 (Sosial)
4. Familier bekerja dengan MS Office dan internet
5. Aktif berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan), akan mendapat nilai tambah jika bisa berbahasa Mandarin atau Arab
6. Lancar membaca Al-Quran

Harap Melampirkan :

1. Curidulum Vite,
2. Pas Foto berwarna dengan ukuran 4×6 2 lembar,
3. foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai,
4. Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian setempat (bisa menyusul).
5. Agar dikirim paling lambat tanggal 15 Agustus 2009 (cap Pos).
6. Harap mencantumkan Kode Kota pilihan di pojok kanan atas amplop lamaran (contoh : KDR untuk Kediri, TLA untuk Tulungagung, BLT untuk Blitar, dst)

Bagi calon yang berminat, harap kirimkan lamaran via Pos Kilat / Express ke
Bank Muamalat Cabang Kediri, Jl. Hasanudin No.26 Kediri.

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01 Agustus 2009

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2009 - SPG

Sales Promotion Girl (SPG)


FemaleGood looking , SmartAge 19 - 22 years oldExperience in sales promotion and/or direct salesPleasant personality and willing to work in the tough environment.
Able to work in a team


Recruitment Department

PO Box 1254
JKB 11012
by email

Baca dong selengkapnya......

LOWONGAN KERJA AGUSTUS 2009 - GENERALI di PT Generali Indonesia Life Insurance

PT Generali Indonesia Life Insurance.

We are committed to maintain proactive knowledge, offering innovative and comprehensive financial solutions combined with high customer oriented services to our valued policyholders and a fair investment return for our shareholders. We are looking for highly performing people, eager to learn, with innovative thinking and good teamwork in the following positions:

Sales Executive

Job Summary:
1. Increases and develops Group Business sales.
2. Visits potential customers particularly Japanese companies.
3. Negotiates the terms of an agreement and closing sales
4. Analyzes sales statistics to determine business growth potential.
5. Maintains and develops relationships with existing customers.

Qualification & Experience Requirement:
- Minimum Bachelor degree
- Have experiences more than 2 years as a Sales Executive in life insurance is preferable
- Communication in English and Japanese is a must
- Good interpersonal and negotiation skills

Comprehensive CV describing professional qualifications, experience and accountability highlighting achievements should be sent to : by Agustus 31th , 2009 (with subject code: GEB). Only short-listed candidates will be invited for further selection process.

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Lowongan kerja guru matematika 2009

Teacher for Children Mathematics - Enopi

Enopi is founded in Korea in year 1976. About 4.2 million children are enrolled
in our educational program all over the world.E.nopi MATH is offering a new
concept in education. Not only it teaches the students to fully comprehend
mathematics, but also to apply it in daily lives.

We are looking for teachers/instructors to teach math in our center, with the
following qualifications :

* Female / Male
* Love Children and teaching
* Good English spoken since all the materials are delivered in English.
* This is a full time job.

You are required to present from Monday to Friday from 10.00 morning to 18.00.
And on Saturdays from 09.00 to 13.00.

Please send your CV to :

Enopi Taman Permata Buana
Jl. Pulau Bira III blok D1 no. 3A
Kompleks Ruko Taman Permata Buana
Taman Permata Buana
Jakarta Barat 11610

Fax : 58303376
e-mail :

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Lowongan kerja project admin 2009


We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:

Project Administration


1. Have at least 1 year experience in the same field.
2.Min. D3 Any Major
3.Administration skill
4. Fast learner
5. Good in English
6. Communication skill

If you are interested in career opportunity with us, please submit your CV/resume and recent photograph, not later than July 30, 2009 to:

HRD Department:
Kompleks DʼBest Fatmawati
Jl. Fatmawati Raya No.15 - Blok C 12
Jakarta Selatan 12420

Or email to:

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Lowongan Kerja Perpajakan Agustus 2009

We are a national Human Capital Management Services company that renders temporary and permanent recruitment services URGENTLY looking for:

(Jakarta Based)

# Diploma/Bachelor degree from acreditation university
# Having experience in handling Invoicing, Timesheet, Payroll
# Good knowledge about PPH 21
# Able to communicate in English min passive
# Good personality traits, honest, Punctual person

Qualified individual who are interested in exploring this offer, should promptly submit their resume not more than 500kb, please put the subject and your expectation salary to

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29 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Rabobank Indonesia - Relationship Officer

Rabobank Indonesia is a part of the Rabobank Group, a full-range financial services provider founded on co-operative principles. Headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands, the Group employs more than 60.000 staffs in 43 countries, servicing the needs of more than nine million clients worldwide. Food & Agribusiness is the international prime focus of the Rabobank Group. Our solidity and stability is evidenced by being ranked 4th in the World's Safest Bank 2008 list by Global Finance Magazine.

Relationship Officer (ROO)

Location: Sumatera, East Java, Central Java, West Java, Pontianak, Bali

* Developing and maintaining the prime, existing, and new clients
* Maintain a good relationship with prime, existing and new clients
* Create and open potential network
* Having sufficient knowledge of banking products
* Identify clients' credibility


* Minimum Bachelor degree from any discipline
* Minimum GPA 2.75 (from 4.00 scale)
* Good in English (written and/or spoken)
* Customer service oriented and result oriented
* Experienced in the same field are preferable, minimum 1 year
* Willing to be located out from Jakarta (Sumatera, East Java, Central Java, West Java, Pontianak, Bali). Preferably local citizen

Please send your complete resume to :

Please put the position code in your email subject.

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Lowongan Kerja Bekasi - Jakarta Juli Agustus September 2009

Job at a company located in the area of Bekasi. Please read the job more the following:
Company Name: Blitz Studio
Description: This company is engaged in the field of Photography
Address: Perumahan Taman Raflesia Ruko no 30, Bekasi Timur
No. Tel. 021-96274851

With the job position: Marketing
Work Location in: Jakarta
Sales / Marketing
- Women’s
- Having a broad relationship
- Having the ability to communicate well
- Looking neat and interesting
- Ability to work with the target
- Honest, diligent, and hard worker
- Like the photography world
- I want to study marketing or photography
- System for the results

Please send letter of application with full CV to:
Blitz Studio
Perumahan Taman Raflesia Ruko no 30,
Bekasi Timur 17510

Or email

Include in the letter of application, you know the information on this vacancy and how the source (from what website or newspaper or what the other).

Job was closed on 21 September 2009

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Lowongan Kerja Engineering di KPSI

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia (KPSI) is an international services company for the resources sector, plant engineering, civil construction, transportation, and earthworks to serve clients in fiber plantation and chip, pulp, and paper industry. We are equal opportunity employer that committed to recruit, develop, and retain the best talents. Our people are some of the best in the similar type of business with considerable competencies and extensive experience across all areas of our operations. Currently we are seeking for the highly motivated professionals to strengthen our team in the following positions:

- Organize overall QMS activities within a project or an operation area.
- Actively ensure follow-up on QMS related subjects and participate in QMS audits.
- Assist in managing contractors or suppliers according to the QMS and other relevant standards.
- Develop and maintain a high level of awareness among all personnel through communication, training, and active personal involvement in preventing and reporting of non-conformances.
- Assist in reporting QMS statistics accurately.
- Bachelor in Engineering from reputable university.
- Minimum 1 year relevant experience in similar post.
- Knowledgeable of QMS regulations, standards, systems, and procedures.
- Experience in ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:2007 training would be great advantages.
- Good problem solving techniques.
- Strong conceptual and analytical thinking.
- Able to cope with additional responsibilities.
- Proportional attention to details.
- Innovative and prepared to share knowledge.

- Initiate and direct major safety studies, projects, and reports.
- Assist in developing safety control methods, procedures, programs, and mechanisms to eliminate or reduce incidents.
- Assist in identifying and appraising loss potential conditions and practices of certain function in company.
- Assist in developing loss control methods, procedures, and programs to eliminate causative factors associated with specific problems, or where it is not possible to eliminate the hazard, provide the engineering necessary to devise mechanisms or procedures to reduce the degree of the hazard.
- Plan or propose facilities, operations, and projects.
- Provide staff assistance in any of the recognized fields of loss prevention to any division.
- Provide work direction or input to HSE Officers.
- In charge for internal and external safety and environmental audits.
- Ensure compliance with and commitment to HSE policies, procedures, and regulations.

- Minimum Diploma in Health and Safety or Engineering.
- Minimum 1 year experience in related areas.
- Knowledgeable and skilled on incidents prevention, incidents investigation, loss prevention engineering, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis.
- Knowledgeable on HSE related regulations, laws, theories, principles, and techniques.
- Strong analytical thinking and leadership skills.
- Excellent investigation and report writing skills.

- Plan work orders and coordinate work between operations and maintenance.
- Investigate all costs and scope of work orders before gaining authorization.
- Ensure all work orders are signed when completed.
- Produce Daily / Weekly / Monthly Mechanical Availability Report.
- Minimum Diploma in Mechanical, Electrical, or Industrial Engineering.
- Minimum 1 year experience in heavy equipment planning.
- Knowledgeable in engineering measuring.
- Able to apply safety procedures and policies.
- Good interpersonal skills to deal with KPSI Departments and contractors to maintain component quality control.
- Excellent administrative and procedural skills.
- Able to use software application such as Word Perfect, Excel, and SAP.

- Prepare company’s financial statement.
- Prepare report of general revenue and expenditure budget.
- Prepare calculation and report of PPN and tax income.
- Sort and print the standard tax invoice.
- Prepare tax report and report to tax service office.
- Prepare SPT corporate.
- Manage tax settlement with tax auditor.
- Minimum Diploma in accounting.
- Minimum 1 year relevant experience.
- Able to work under pressure.
- Able to work effectively with a wide range of diverse people / department.
- Basic knowledge of SAP system.
- Mastering tax regulation.
- Mastering tax brevet A and tax brevet B.

- Receive and review a wide variety of requisitions and sourcing potential vendors.
- Review bid proposals from vendors and make recommendation.
- Follow up with vendors on goods delivery.
- Close PO’s status.
- Evaluate vendors’ performance.
- Maintains records of purchased items, cost, delivery, performance and inventory.
- Minimum Diploma (preferable in Engineering) from reputable university.
- Minimum 2 years experience in the similar position in the similar type of business.
- Knowledgeable on Basic Legal, Basic Finance, and product-related standards and specifications.
- Advanced administrative skills.
- Good level of concentration.
- Strong leadership and negotiation skills.

- Computer literate.
- Excellent in English and Bahasa both written and spoken.
- High personal work-motivation, communicative, proactive, and creative.
- High orientation on cost-effectiveness, quality, time-frame, and safety.
- High professional-integrity and excellent teamwork skills.
- Willing to travel and relocate to Kalimantan.

Submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent photograph, and related certification before 10th August 2009 to
HR Department of PT KPSI: – or –
PO BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114.
Please put the position code on e-mail subject or top right of the envelope and quote your salary expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate will be invited for interview.

Baca dong selengkapnya......

15 Juli 2009

Lowongan Staff Administrasi Project

Dibutuhkan cepat :

Staff Administrasi Project

(Lowongan ditutup tanggal 20 Juli 2009)
Pria, usia maks 30 tahun
Pendidikan S1 Teknik Sipil
Bahasa Inggris aktif tulisan dan lisan
Bisa mengoperasikan komputer Ms.Office, Excel, Power Point
Pengalaman min 1 tahun diposisi yang sama
Domisili Jakarta
Kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran Anda ke :
Human Resources Department
Jl. Danau Indah Selatan Blok B9 / 11 Sunter Jaya II
Jakarta Utara 14350
Telp. 021 - 32006504
By email : /
Walk Interview Senin - Jumat pkl 08.00 s/d 15.00 WIB
( cantumkan ” Staff Adm. Project ” pada subjek email atau pada pojok kiri surat lamaran)

Baca dong selengkapnya......

Lowongan Kerja di PT.Pharos Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Marketing di PT.Pharos Indonesia
Penempatan di : Jabotabek, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Purwokerto, Yogya, Solo, Malang, Jember, Kediri, Denpasar, Makassar, Lampung, Jambi, Padang, Medan, Banjarmasin Pontianak dan Palembang
Posisi yang tersedia :

1. Med Rep divisi Healthfood
2. Supervisor: Pengalaman Med Rep min 1 tahun
Persyaratan :
1. PRIA, Pengalaman tidak diutamakan untuk Posisi Medical Representative. Umur Maxi 28 tahun.
2. Untuk Posisi Supervisor HARUS berpengalaman med rep 1 tahun
3. Lulus Psikotes dan Interview
4. Yang tidak memenuhi syarat diatas tidak akan dilayani
5. Yang tidak serius sebaiknya jangan mengirim lamaran

Benefit :
1. Gaji Pokok
2. Komisi yang menarik
3. Tunjangan Operasional
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan
5. Kesempatan berkarir berdasarkan kompetensi
6. Training berkelanjutan
7. Status sebagai Pegawai Tetap

Kirim lamaran, cv dan foto ke:

catatan :
1. Interview dan Psikotes di Kota setempat/ Kota Pelamar atau yg terdekat
2. Lamaran/ Foto pelamar mohon diresize ke format zip. Or pdf. , agar kami mudah download e.mail lamaran anda
3. Proses Recruitment, Piskotest, Interview dlm rangka penerimaan pegawai baru PT.Pharos Indonesia, tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun, bila ada oknum/ pihak ketiga yang menyalahgunakan informasi ini, harap telepon ke 021 7200981 Up.Costumer Service

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Lowongan untuk LAB ASSISTANT

Requirements :
SAKMA or D3 Chemistry or Chemical Engineering
Good analytical thinking
Enthusiastic and result oriented
Good interpersonal and communication skill
Hard worker, willing to learn
Able to operate Microsoft Office

Please send your application to
Best Regards,
Siauw Vina
Human Resources Department
Phone: +62 21 5262481, DID: +62 21 57990 158, BCN: 86641 158, Fax: +62 21
5262493, E-Mail:
P.T. BASF Indonesia, Plaza GRI, 11th Floor, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-2
no.1, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia, Jakarta, 12950, Indonesia
BASF - The Chemical Company

Baca dong selengkapnya......

Lowongan di PT. SAI Global Indonesia

SAI GLOBAL is one of the largest business improvement organizations in Indonesia, with Professional and Assurance services. SAI Global invites suitable qualified candidates to fill the following position:
1. Telesales
2. Business Development Staff
Requirements :
o D1/D3 (1,2) or university (2)
o At least 1 year (1) or 2 years (2) working experiences in service industry, preferably in Certification Body for management system (ISO 9001, etc.) or management consultant in similar position (1)
o Excellent analytical, presentation, technical skills and team player (2)
o Pleasant personality with wide network (2)
o Willing to travel in Indonesia region (2)
o Good report writing and communication skill in English and Bahasa Indonesia (1,2)
o Willing to do some telemarketing task (1,2)
o Able to drive car and has driving license are preferred (2)

Please send your application, curriculum vitae, recent photograph and transcript to:
PT. SAI Global Indonesia
HR Division
Graha Iskandarsyah, 4th Floor
Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.66-C
Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta 12160

Baca dong selengkapnya......


Integrate and consolidate all aspects in Network Planning (Core Network, Transmission, and RNP) and propose improvement

Perform as gateway or interfacing Network Planning Dept with other departments.
Responsible for SIPADO (Site Information Pocket Document)
Control, update and maintain database.
Monitoring PER, PO & other technical administrative
Technical Requirements:
CDMA network planning experiences are preferred
Strong understanding in basic principle of system planning.
Possess a good ability to deploy new network elements.
Possess a good knowledge of network system planning parameter
Knowledge of topology, microwave transmission tools
Able to create planning documents, design procedures and standard
General Requirement :
Minimum S1 from Electrical Engineering/Mathematics.
Minimum 3 - 4 years experience as microwave transmission planning senior engineer/manager and has extensive exposure to various transmission network technology, especially in telecommunication.
Male / Female
Age around 30 - 35 years
Having good communication & interpersonal skills
Strong team work ability
Having good people management (coaching, developing, etc)
Good logical reasoning ability and presentation skills
Good written and spoken English
Extensive domestics travel required
Please submit your detailed resume stating the complete applied position and the job code with current photograph to:



General Requirements:
Minimum S1 from Electrical Engineering/Mathematics.
Minimum 4 - 5 years experience as microwave transmission planning senior engineer/manager and has extensive exposure to various transmission network technology, especially in telecommunication.
Understand basic principles of radio frequency
Possess a good understanding of access network technology solutions
Possess a good knowledge of detailed transmission network parameter.
Knowledge of topology planning, ATM, SS7-network and/or IP networks
Knowledge of microwave transmission planning tool such as Path loss
Able to create planning documents, design procedures and standard
Specific Requirements:

Willing to travel in domestic area.
Performing transmission network architecture design
Performing detailed transmission network planning
Performing in the field microwave line of sight survey
Develop transmission planning document
Development transmission design standard
Performing transmission network evaluation and optimization
Incumbent Specification
Male / Female
Age around 30 - 35 years
Having good communication & interpersonal skills
Strong team work ability
Having good people management (coaching, developing, etc)
Please submit your detailed resume stating the complete applied position and the job code with current photograph to:


Develop application based on system design document
Troubleshoot application based on QA/UAT document
System support based on given SOP
Explore technology enhancement
Technical Requirements:
Having previous experiences in Orcle BEA SOA/BPM Suite and webMethod / webServices are essential.
Familiar with JBoss
General Requirement :
Minimum S1 from IT or computer related.
Minimum 1 - 3 years experience as programmer / system analyst
Age around 25 - 28 years
Having good knowledge/experiences in : Linux/Linux OS, Oracle, Java (excellent in OOP). Knowing other language is preferable.
Having proficiencies in technologies of J2EE, MVC framework (Spring, Oracle, ADF), RIA, ERD design and overall database operations.
Having good communication & interpersonal skills
Strong team work ability

Please submit your detailed resume stating the complete applied position and the job code with current photograph to:

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13 April 2009

lowongan pt garudafood


1.Supervisor Teknik (SPv)
2.Team Leader Improvement (TL)
3.Foreman Teknik (FT)

Persyaratan :
•Laki-laki, usia maks. 35 tahun (1, 2)
•Laki-laki, usia maks. 27 tahun (3)
•Pendidikan :
-S1 Teknik Elektro, Konsentrasi Arus Kuat (1, 3)
-S1 Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro (2)
•IPK min. 3,00
•Memahami instalasi mekanikal dan elektrikal, efisiensi pemakaian energi (1)
•Menguasai konsep improvement (2)
•Pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun (1, 2)
•Pengalaman min. 1 tahun / Fresh Graduate (3)
•Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan pekerja keras
Kirim Lamaran Lengkap Ke:
Recruitment Staff-HRS Departement
PT.Garudafood Putra-Putri Jaya
Jl.Ir.Sutami Km.6 Campang Raya
Tanjung Karang Timur - Bandar Lampung
Via Email:

(Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas amplop atau subject email)

Paling Lambat: 25 April 2009

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07 April 2009

Lowongan PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) sebagai satu-satunya Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang bergerak dalam bidang asuransi jiwa, membuka peluang karir kepada tenaga marketing muda yang memiliki talenta untuk menempati posisi sebagai Marketing Associate, dengan persyaratan khusus dan umum sabagai berikut :
Persyaratan Khusus :
•Pria / Wanita, usia min. 27 tahun
(hanya pelamar yang berusia lebih dari 27 tahun yang akan dipanggil)
•Pendidikan D3 dan S1 semua jurusan
•IPK min. 2,50 (Skala 4)
•Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
•Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
•Berpenampilan menarik, supel, ramah dan memiliki relasi
•Memiliki SIM A/ C (lebih diutamakan)

Persyaratan Umum ;

oSehat jasmani dan rohani
oBerpenampilan menarik, ramah, supel dan memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
oDapat mengoperasikan komputer min. Program Word, Exel, dan Powerpoint
oDapat bekerjasama dalam tim

Tugas dan tanggung jawab Marketing Associate :
•Memelihara dan membina hubungan baik dengan seluruh nasabah perorangan dan kumpulan yang sudah ada
•Memberikan informasi baru kepada seluruh nasabah perorangan dan kumpulan berkenaan dengan perkembangan produk-produk asuransi baru di perusahaan
•Menambah portofolio nasabah baik perorangan maupun kumpulan

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan mulai tanggal 13 – 20 April 2009 via POS dengan alamat :


Yth. TIM Rekruitment
PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)
Jl. R. Intan No. 67 Enggal 35111

Baca dong selengkapnya......

Lowongan PT.Lautan Berlian Utama Motor

Group perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang automotif membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:


Kualifikasi :
-usia maks. 28 tahun
-pendidikan min. D.III ( akuntansi )
-IPK min. 2,75
-memiliki sim A
-siap ditugaskan ke luar kota

kirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan mencantumkan
kode posisi di sudut kiri atas
paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat, ke:
PT.Lautan Berlian Utama Motor
JL. M. Salim no.29 Way Lunik, Bandar Lampung
u.p. Bpk Ridwan Amin S.

Baca dong selengkapnya......

23 Januari 2009

Lowongan PT Alfamart


1. Licence/Legal Coordinator (KODE: LEGAL)
Syarat :
•Pria, usia max. 29 tahun dan belum menikah
•Pendidikan S1 Hukum
•IPK min. 2,75
•Pengalaman min. 2 tahun dibidang yang sama
•Memiliki SIM A
•Berpenampilan menarik, supel, ramah, komunikatif dan memiliki jaringan Net Working yang luas
•Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
•Inisiatif, kreatif dan selalu inovatif dengan ide-ide atau strategi pemasaran

2. Licence/Legal Officer (KODE: LEGAL)
Syarat :
•Pria, usia max. 29 tahun dan belum menikah
•Pendidikan S1 Hukum
•IPK min. 2,75
•Memiliki SIM A (tidak wajib)
•Berpenampilan menarik, supel, ramah, komunikatif dan memiliki jaringan Net Working yamg luas
•Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
•Inisiatif, kreatif dan selalu inovatif dengan ide-ide atau strategi pemasaran

3. Staff Administration Franchise (KODE: FRCH)
Syarat :
•Wanita, usia max. 27 tahun dan belum menikah
•Pendidikan S1 segala jurusan, IPK min. 2,75 (Skala 4)
•Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik dalam bernegosiasi
•Berpenampilan menarik, supel, ramah, komunikatif dan memiliki jaringan Net Working yamg luas
•Memiliki SIM A / C
4. IT Store Support (KODE: IT SS)
Syarat :
•Pria, usia max. 27 tahun dan belum menikah
•Pendidikan S1 Komputer - segala jurusan
•IPK min. 2,75
•Fresh Graduated atau Berpengalaman
•Siap kerja lapangan
•Memiliki SIM A / C
5. Recruitment & Assessment Officer (KODE: REC)
Syarat :
•Wanita, usia max. 27 tahun dan belum menikah
•Pendidikan S1 Psikologi, dengan IPK min. 2,75
•Menguasai alat tes Psikodiagnostika
•Supel, ramah, komunikatif dan memiliki kemampuan Analytic yang baik
•Memiliki jaringan Net Working yang luas di Wilayah Lampung dan sekitarnya
•Memiliki SIM A / C

Persyaratan Umum :
oMemiliki daya tahan kerja tinggi
oBersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja SAT
oMemiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik dan detail
oCakap dalam mengoperasikan komputer
oBerpenampilan menarik, ramah komunikatif dan memiliki kemapuan negisiasi yang baik
Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi dapat langsung mengirimkan surat lamaran, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas. dialamatkan ke :
Jl. Tembesu No.10 RT.001/RW 001B. Bay Pass Soekarno Hatta
Kel.Campang Raya, Kec.Tanjung Karang Timur (Kawasan Gudang Bulog)
Bandarlampung 35122
Up. Bp. Markus
Note: ditunggu s.d tgl. 31 Januari 2009.

Baca dong selengkapnya......

Lowongan CV Multi Sarana Indonesia


Sebuah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang, bekerjasama dengan Bulan Sabit Merah (BSMI) Bandarlampung, membuka kesempatan bekerja bagi Putra Putri yang menyukai tantangan di Bidang Perdagangan Umum dengan Persyaratan:
1.Umur max. 27 tahun
2.Min, lulusan SMA / Sederajat
3.Lebih disukai memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM C

Fasilitas :
•Gaji bulanan
•Uang Transport
Lamaran diantar langsung ke :

Sekretariat BSMI
Up. Direktur CV Multi Sarana Indonesia (MSI)
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 289 A Gedong Air Tanjung Karang Barat
Waktu Pendaftaran :
•Lamaran berlaku mulai tanggal 27 – 30 Januari 2009
•Waktu mengantarkan lamaran pukul 08.00 – 12.00 WIB
•CP. Bp. Santoso (081977950092)

Baca dong selengkapnya......

09 Januari 2009

Lowongan PT. Garudafood

1.Supervisor Teknik (SPV)
2.Foreman Teknik (TK)
3.Staff Improvement (IMP)
4.Foreman Produksi (PRD)
5.Staff Laboratorium QC (QC)

Persyaratan :
•Laki-laki, usia maks. 35 tahun (1)
•Laki-laki, usia maks. 28 tahun (2 – 5)
•Pendidikan :
-S1 Teknik Elektro (1)
-D3 / S1 Teknik Eektro, Teknik Mesin (2)
-S1 Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro (3)
-S1 Teknik Pangan, Teknik Industri, Mesin, Elektro, Kimia, Sipil, MIPA-Biologi, MIPA-Kimia (4)
-S1 MIPA-Biologi, thp (5)
•IPK min. 3,00
•Memahami instalasi mekanikal dan elektrikal, efisiensi pemakaian energi (1)
•Mengerti tentang Mikrobiologi dan manajemen Lab (4)
•Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun (1)
•Pengalaman min. 1 tahun / Fresh Graduate (2 – 5)
•Bersedia bekerja Shift (2)
•Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan pekerja keras
Kirim Lamaran Lengkap Ke:
Recruitment Staff-HRS Departement
PT.Garudafood Putra-Putri Jaya
Jl.Ir.Sutami Km.6 Campang Raya
Tanjung Karang Timur - Bandarlampung
Via Email:

(Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas amplop atau subject email)
Paling Lambat: 22 Januari 2009

Baca dong selengkapnya......

08 Januari 2009

Lowongan PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur tbk

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk Cabang Lampung membuka kesempatan berkarier di bagian Accounting dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

•Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi
•Laki-laki , usia maks. 27 tahun (per-Januari 2009)
•Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
•Ulet, teliti, disiplin, bertanggung jawab dan berdedikasi tinggi

Kirim aplikasi dan CV (Curriculum Vitae) paling lambat tanggal 14 Januari 2009 cap pos, ke alamat :

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk Cabang Lampung
Jl. Ir. Sutami Km 15 Sindangsari
Tanjung Bintang Lampung Selatan

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Lowongan PT Pharos Indonesia


Membutuhkan segera…!!
A. Reqruitment and Selection (RS)
Dengan Kualifikasi :
•Wanita, usia maks. 28 tahun
•IPK min. 2,75
•Pendidikan S1 Psikologi
•Penempatan Palembang
B. Medical Representative (MR)
Dengan Kualifikasi :
•Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
•Pendidikan D3 sederajat
•Rajin, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
•Pengalaman tidak diutamakan

Tuliskan lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan dokumen pendukung lainnya ke :
PT Pharos Indonesia Cab. Lampung
Jl. H. Nasir No. 37 Kota Baru
Bandarlampung Telp. (0721) 262084

Baca dong selengkapnya......

Lowongan PT. Kharisma Saudara Motor


Lowongan Kerja
Dealer Resmi Yamaha

Membutuhkan :
1.Personalia (Diutamakan yang berpengalaman)
2.Sales Supervisor
3.Marketing Executive (Pria / Wanita)

Lamaran datang langsung ke :
PT Kharisma Saudara Motor
Jl. P. Tirtayasa Kec. Sukabumi (Depan Indomaret) Bandarlampung
Telp. (0721) 771940, Fax. (0721) 771941
”Cantumkan No. Telp / Hp pada Surat Lamaran”

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Template by : kendhin